Estate Planning is more than just a simple Will. It also typically protects your wealth and assets by minimizing potential taxes and fees, sets up contingency planning to make sure your wishes regarding health care treatment are followed, manages and administers your estate, and appropriately distributes your assets to your intended heirs.
On the financial side, a good estate plan coordinates what would happen with your home, your investments, your business, your life insurance, your employee benefits such as a 401(k) plan or Investment Retirement Account (IRA)-and other property in the event you became disabled, incompetent or if you die. The experienced estate specialists at Eberhard, Weimer, & Glick strive to ensure that your best interests are accounted for when managing finances.
On the personal side, a good estate plan includes directions to carry out your wishes regarding health matters, so that if you ever are unable to give the directions yourself, someone you select would do that for you, and know when you would want them to authorize heroic measures and when you would prefer that life-sustaining machines be shut down.
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