Water Damage Restoration

Our entire water damage team is certified by the international non-profit known as the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

At 911 Restoration, we pride ourselves on being able to restore your home in the event of numerous types of damage. We know how to utilize an array of techniques to perform a water restoration job that prevents mold and other bothersome effects.

We use wet vacuums to remove water from crawlspaces, basements, and wherever else it may pool to ensure faster dry times. Moreover, we use dehumidifiers and blowers to allow air to circulate out, which aids a great deal in curbing mold growth. Furthermore, it is also important to clear out the dark corners of the home to prevent structural damage. Call us at (601) 501-6119 and see how we can help.

911 Restoration is a proud member of

Gluckstadt Madison Business Alliance

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