Hand therapy is a specialized area of Occupational Therapy that primarily focuses on the treatment of injuries to the hand, wrist, and elbow. We treat a wide variety of hand therapy needs, from post-operative to preventative. Our OTs utilize various techniques and tools to tailor treatment to each patients specific needs. These treatments can include manual therapy, post-operative care, exercise programs, occupation-based activities, desensitization, physical agent modalities, and custom splint fabrication.
At TherapySouth, our hand therapists work one-on-one with you to provide positive rehabilitation outcomes to restore your quality of life. If you are seeking hand therapy or custom splinting services in the Birmingham metro area, we have several Occupational Therapists throughout our clinic locations.
OT services are offered at the majority of our Birmingham-area locations, check the list below to find a hand therapy location close to you.
What does Hand Therapy Treat
Post Operative Care
Scar Management
DeQuervains Tenosynovitis
Carpal Tunnel and Other Nerve Injuries
Dexterity/Fine Motor Control Issues
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Trigger Finger
Dupuytrens Contracture
Work-Related Injuries
Sports Injuries?
If you are interested in this item and have some questions, feel free send an inquiry.
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