In support of our families, the Sacramento Waldorf School provides a loving and nurturing extended care program for our Kindergarten and Lower School children. Extended Care offers a home-like environment in which younger children enjoy the company of their friends, a nap or quiet time, indoor and outdoor playtime, and a nutritious snack. Older children have the opportunity to study, complete homework, and go to the Library.
Kindergarten-Grade 8 Extended Care
The Extended Care Program is designed for students at Sacramento Waldorf School in Kindergarten through Grade 8. The Extended Care Program includes Kindergarten, First Grade Rest Care, and Extended Care for all ages. Extended Care Programs operate after classes on school days only, including half days. The Extended Care Program is not offered during vacation periods, in-service days, conference days in November, or Teachers Conference week in February.
Rest Care is for Kindergarten through First Grade students from the time their school day ends until 3:15 pm. Extended Care is for Kindergarten and Lower School students who stay on campus after 3:15 pm. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 may not be on school premises unsupervised after 3:15 pm. At 3:25 pm, children who are not directly supervised by a parent are signed into Extended Care and parents are charged the Extended Care Program daily rate. Drop-in Care is not available for the 21/22 School Year. All students attending Extended Care Programs must be pre-registered. Extended Care is from 3:15 5:00 pm for Kindergarten students; for Grades 1 8, Extended Care is from 3:15 5:30 pm.
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