Infrastructure Development & Investment

This is the largest and most complex wastewater public-private partnership (P3) contract awarded in Canada. Graham Capital provided its extensive P3 knowledge and experience and helped guide the project team in submitting its successful bid.

Graham Infrastructure is the lead joint venture partner for the design-build team responsible for executing capital improvements to the existing plant. The scope of work includes the expansion and upgrading of the existing treatment facility to a 156 ML/d full-flow treatment and 450 ML/day for short-duration extreme weather events. The scope includes the addition of new bioreactors, secondary clarifiers, and associated systems complete with upgrades throughout the existing facilities which include work to the primary and tertiary treatment, solids handling, and biosolids management. The innovative design for the new plant features a wet weather flow management system that stores sewage during stormflow events and then returns the stored sewage after the storm subsides. The plant is designed to meet a 15:15:0.75 mg/l BOD: TSS:P standard as well as stringent new environmental standards for biosolids disposal and will be an ISO14001 accredited facility.

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