Acupuncture works by guiding the body back to its natural state of balance so that the body can heal itself. This is accomplished by regulating the qi, energy, which flows along pathways called meridians that connect the different areas of the body and the internal organs.
Studies have shown acupuncture affects the nervous system by stimulating the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which respond by releasing neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin, the bodys natural painkillers, and feelgood chemicals. It also moderates adenosine levels, which changes our perception of pain. Other measurable physiological responses include enhanced blood circulation, decreased inflammation, and increased production of T-cells. While researchers have been able to identify some of acupunctures mechanisms of action, none of these can explain why it can help with things like fertility and digestion.
Acupuncture is the art of inserting flexible, hair-thin filaments into specific points on the body to catalyze the healing process. Dont think needles, though: about 40 acupuncture needles can fit inside a hypodermic, so the experience is nothing like what youd imagine. Its super-relaxing. Many of our clients take a nap on the table.
An acupuncture point is a point at which qi (pronounced chee, meaning the bodys life force or vital energy) gathers. Its like a node where the bodys intelligence and bio-electricity can be accessed. Like a key on a keyboard, we can talk to the body through these portals.
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